Happy late Easter!!! I would apologize for the late post but I had a busy last couple of weeks and for good reason. Our church put on an Easter egg hunt for disabled children this year! It was a last minute thing, but God's hand was in it and many children were blessed! We had one for those in wheelchairs with magnetic eggs, one for autistic kids, one for visually impaired with beeping eggs, and a general for the all others and siblings. It was a great time by all who helped and participated. For most it was their first egg hunt ever!
With all that going on, I missed putting up the Easter cards made last month along with the extra gift from the Easter Stamp Camp that I held. So better late than never, but here goes...
This was the extra gift I had the girls make during the Stamp Camp. I can't remember who's this is as I found it on pintrest. I really need to start writing down names. I just never know what I will end up doing for sure. See lots that I like, but takes me a bit to decide what I end up making...
Here is one of the cards that we did do. I can say I did copy the basket from someone. Since I missed last months card nite due to a flooded basement I carried over the shaving cream technique. I thought it went well as our Easter eggs! The girls really liked it.